The incredible adventures of #stickerwoman

The first #stickerwoman?

The first #stickerwoman?

On the morning of 22 April 1910, 20 year old Londoner Vera Wentworth pasted eight stickers on the Palace of Westminster walls. The stickers read: ‘To know more about the Women’s Suffrage Movement read “Votes for Women” Every Friday, 1d.”

Vera Wentworth

Born Jessie Alice Spink, she changed her name in her teens, possibly to save her parents the embarrassment of association.  A member of the secret direct action group ‘Young Hot Bloods’ she spent several months in prison, being arrested seven times and force fed four.

In 1909 Vera and her friend Elsie Howie interrupted a meeting at Colston Hall in Bristol, astonishing a cabinet minister and his audience when loud cries of  “Votes for Women!” came from the organ within the hall during his speech. In order to pull off this stunt, the young women had to hide in the organ overnight.  On another occassion, Wentworth smashed the windows of Bristol’s Liberal Club just before Churchill was due to speak.

Vera, Elsie and Jessie Kennedy shocked many high-profile women in the movement by assaulting Prime Minister Asquith and Gladstone (the Home Secretary) while they were playing golf. Emily Blathwayt was horrified and wrote of Vera and Elsie in her diary: “We hear of terrible things by the two Hooligans.”

Was Vera the first British #stickerwoman? I like to think she was. Described by writer Rebecca West as ‘a first rate speaker… a little terror… rather a handsome girl’ she was certainly a character and she took no shit from anyone.

#FemmeDesAutocollants – the French connection

This evening I watched Catherine Corsini’s film ‘Summertime’ (La Belle Saison) in which soon-to-be-lovers Carole and Delphine sticker statues and public buildings as part of feminist protests in 1970s Paris.

The Mouvement de Libération des Femmes (MLF) was formed in 1970 to advocate for a woman’s right to contraception and abortion. Carole’s stickers read, “chaque année, plus que 1 million prennent le risque‘, a  reference to the estimated one million women who underwent illegal abortions each year in the 70s.

“(In France) those who could afford to went to private clinics or to doctors abroad, but the vast majority of women took their chances on kitchen tables and back-alley offices, at the wire hangers of the faiseuses d’anges,observed Jess McHugh in Time Magazine (2018).

Simone Veil

In 1974 France’s Health Minister, Simone Veil, presented a law that would legalize abortion to the (98% male) National Assembly.  Veil, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, received threats and verbal abuse for this action; she was accused of murdering innocent babies and swastikas were drawn on the walls of her apartment building.

In 1975 France legalized abortion  (Law 75-17) up to ten weeks. In that year over 45,000 legal abortions were performed. In 2001 the time limit was extended to 12 weeks. An attempt to increase this to 14 weeks in 2019 failed.

Perhaps it is hard for those of us who have grown up with free and relatively easy access to contraception and abortion in the UK to imagine the lack of bodily autonomy of our mothers or grandmothers and those before them.

So why am I writing about French politics and cinematography in an article about British feminism?

Well, in the words of Marie-Jo Bonnet of MLF, “Women’s bodies are our territory, and it’s a territory that has been colonised by the power of men.”

This colonisation of women’s bodies is now happening in a new way, this time by men who are demanding that we recognise them as women. You and I live in a world when women cannot name themselves, cannot name their bodies as the root of their oppression, where we cannot speak about our sex-based rights and our sex-based needs without being threatened, bullied and doxxed into silence with the magical words ‘TERF‘ and ‘transphobe’.

Just think! Seriously. You and I live in a world where to speak the words ‘women don’t have penises’ or ‘a woman is an adult human female’ or ‘only women give birth to babies’ are acts of rebellion with potentially serious consequences.

So the activism of the characters in  La Belle Saison and the work of women like Veil and Bonnet is hugely relevant because behind the seemingly casual rebelliousness of the acts of #stickerwoman stands the very serious and ongoing battle for women’s rights.

Woman is not a feeling in a man’s head.

To quote Marie-Jo Bonnet one more time: “It is an emancipation. We are taking back the power of our own lives.”

We are all #stickerwoman.



The Rise of #Stickerwoman

Probably the first stickers to really grab public attention in recent years were the ‘women don’t have penises’ stickers. The first design was by Venice Allan, who shared her template with others, and variations sprung up around the country.

“I was originally inspired by Jacqueline of the Untameable Shrews.” Venice told me. 

“What I loved about the ‘Shrews’ was that they were about sharing sticker templates that women could print out for themselves, rather than just selling stickers.”

The Untameable Shrews was an international radical feminist art collective, started in Australia in 2016.  As well involvement in stickering and graffitti actions and sharing free templates on social media, the Untameable Shrews (sometimes spelled untamable shrews) ran an Etsy shop- until it was banned. In 2017 their facebook account was suspended. Their Twitter account followed shortly afterwards and their Tumblr and Instagram accounts are now also both closed. It looks as if you may still be able to buy some of their designs on redbubble.


The Untameable Shrews were still active in London and in other parts of the UK in 2018: I spotted one of their stickers at a bus stop in Kensington in late summer that year. When it was still there in November I shared a photo on Twitter.

The Shrews were not only international stickering pioneers they also inspired quite possibly the most iconic sticker action of all – the ‘penis stickers’.

The 2018 campaigns began in the climate of potential reform of the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (GRA). Changes were being suggested that meant the act would encompass ‘self ID’, meaning that any man must be ‘treated like’ a woman just on his say-so that he was a woman. This would have allowed any man easy access to women’s spaces such as changing rooms, public toilets and refuges: all he would have to do is declare himself to be a woman.

You can find out more about Equality Law and the GRA here, here and here.

These potential changes were at the heart of many of the stickering campaigns which arose, protesting against law changes which would enable men to enter female spaces without even having a Gender Recognition Certificate. As more and more women woke up to the idea that the very words we used to describe ourselves were being snatched away before our eyes, and that our safety and privacy would be further compromised if these changes took place, we looked around for things we could do.

GRA-reformers stomped hard on dissent. Even asking how trans rights and women’s protections could be reconciled was dubbed bigotry. reported Janice Turner in last week’s ‘Times’ So grassroots feminist groups formed to defend sex-based rights…”

Groups like Man Friday and Fair Play for Women sprung up to draw attention to the unfairness and absurdity of these changes. Some of us wrote to our MPs; some attended meetings, others wrote articles. Some were active on social media, others spoke to friends and family. Some gave money to fund campaigns, some handed out leaflets or spoke in public. There were billboards and banners and marches and protests…  and then there were stickers.

Women don’t have penises

Back in early 2018, campaigns and feminist groups were springing up all over the country, seeking to educate the public about the very real erosion of female rights which would arise if changes to the Act went through.

“At the time I was working with Posie on AHF  (adult human female) stuff,” remembers Venice, “and we were working on T-shirts and the billboards and everything, and I felt this is great but we need something a bit more fun; a bit more noticeable, a bit more controversial.

The first ‘women don’t have penises’ sticker


“So originally I did these very large, glossy A4 stickers. There was this big billboard near where I live and I thought how striking it would be to stick a penis on it. I did a quick design on my computer and got a place nearby to print them out. Anne Ruzlyo and Jean Hatchett tweeted out the pictures for me and also originally came up with the hashtag #stickerwoman.

Then, shortly afterwards, I went out in the night with Georgia and we did Stonewall and the Guardian and Pink News. We wanted Pink News to pick up on it. We knew they probably wouldn’t (note: they did)  but it was about bringing things into real space, to the places where the journalists you want to write about it are working.

The iconic sticker outside Stonewall headquarters

 The stickers peeled off quite easily but technically I think it could be counted as criminal damage; so while at the beginning I didn’t really mind if I got arrested, when I got my court summons that changed.

Now I don’t mind if people know it was me.

“When it took off, lots of women made their own versions, and some transactivists made them too.” She laughs. “I used to leave their ones up if I saw them because I thought they were even more effective than our ones!”

“The penis stickers weren’t effective in some ways; people would take them down even if they didn’t understand what they’re about, because they’re pictures of penises. They’re seen as obscene. They were more for photo ops rather than stickers that would stay up. It’s always important when you’re designing a sticker to keep in mind what it’s for: for photos, for publicity, for outrage. Do you want it to stay up, or change people’s minds?  With all campaigning I think it’s important to keep in mind what your objective is.”

“What really peaks a lot of people is when transactivists say ‘women have penises’. So the stickers were to try to provoke them to say that: because when they say ‘it’s transphobic to say women don’t have penises’…  well, 99% of the population think it’s obvious that women don’t have penises!”

“There’s still a lot of madness out there.” concluded Venice. “We’ve definitely got a more strong, secure pushback now than we had then. The tide has  already turned. When you hear interviewers on TV they seem to be coming from a quite different place now; they’re more challenging. We just have to carry on. Because women don’t have penises.”


How fact became ‘hate speech’

One thing the campaign certainly did highlight is how easily a simple fact like ‘women don’t have penises’ can become perceived as ‘transphobic’ and how short a step it is from there to the accusation of ‘hate speech’.

The toilets on busy trains are popular with #stickerwoman

The ‘penis stickers’ were soon being created by women all over the UK.  In London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham and a hundred places above, below and in between, women were printing out the stickers and placing them in public spaces.

Pink penises, green penises, blue penises, big and little, hairy-bollocked or smooth and silky, every one bore the same message.  And every woman involved became #stickerwoman.

Not everybody was happy about this. In fact, certain parts of the Twittersphere were raging. The old urban myth of stickers with razor blades under them was rolled out again- and evidently this time it was #stickerwoman who was to blame.

Sweeney Stickerwoman

In September 2018, at the height of #stickerwoman’s activity, a few trans-identified men started ‘warning’ on social media that ‘TERFS’ were hiding razor blades under stickers in the loos of a Manchester train station.  Nearly a thousand people retweeted this absurdly unlikely claim, which turned out to be predictably unfounded.

Manchester police rushed to the scene of the public toilets supposedly involved, tweeting as they went.

Nothing was found, although the police didn’t initially respond to enquiries about the result of their search.

“Can you please confirm this was another malicious hoax?” asked one Twitter user.

“How many imaginary razor blades did your officers find in the end?” asked another.

“Did you find any razors behind the stickers?”  asked a third. And so on.

I believe this to be a malicious hoax threat designed to cause distress and anxiety, and to stir up negative public sentiment against women’s rights activists. Can u help?asked @croneinamillion.

Manchester police remained silent.

In a last ditch attempt to make the accusation stick (geddit?) one person posted a picture of their injured finger  –

“When I find the #TERF that put the razor blade behind the #stickerwoman sticker who did this to my finger there will be trouble” posted @shanuvian, alongside the ‘stolen’ picture.

– but a Google Image search by @notmygirl quickly found the picture had come from elsewhere.

Then @shanuvian was found to be a parody account… no wait… the account had been hacked… no wait…  it had all been a terrible misunderstanding… and then it was gone.

A Manchester mumsnetter, BettyDuMonde, decided to visit the train station to see what was really going on:

“Had a quick chat with a lovely man on the ticket gates,’ posted Betty after her visit.

“He confirmed that the Transport police attended yesterday evening ‘looking for anti LGBT stickers’ in the toilets. Not only were there no razor blades they didn’t find any ‘anti LGBT’ stickers at all. All toilets were checked, men’s, women’s, disabled and staff.”

Later that evening, Manchester police issued a statement confirming that no razor blades – and no stickers either – had been found. I had a rummage around on Google and, interestingly, no razor blades have ever been proved to have been found under stickers in the UK.  It’s just another urban myth and let’s hope it stays that way.

By the time the police disclaimer was issued, the photo and the rumour had been spread all over social media.

Remember – a lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has popped its stickers in its handbag.

As can be seen by this Tweet, below, from nearly two years later.


Penises at sea

Artist Anthony Gormley’s piece ‘Another Place’ consists of 100 cast iron statues, placed along two miles of beach at Cosby near Liverpool, facing the sea.  The statues are modelled on his own body and, as the tides ebb and flow, the naked figures submerge and re-emerge, symbolising the passage of time and the inevitable decay of the artist’s own human body. Pretty cool, eh?

I have never seen them myself, although I do remember when you couldn’t move for Gormleys in the city and I’m still partial to seeing this one (right) peer down at me from the roof of the Roundhouse in Camden.

The penis stickers really captured the attention of the press when #stickerwoman paddled out into the sea at Cosby beach and attached a tiny ‘women don’t have penises’ sticker to one of the statues. Before paddling back to shore, she snapped a picture. This was the result. Can you see it? Look really, really carefully….

The woman was a member of Liverpool Resisters, who tweeted out a picture of the statue with the words ‘1,000 (sic, there are 100) statues, all men. Women don’t have penises’. The press picked up on the pictures and publicity ensued in buckets.

I tracked down the woman who put the sticker there and she agreed to talk to me on the phone. I’ll call her Betsy.

“It blew up a lot more than we expected.” Betsy told me. “We really didn’t expect so much attention. I was tickled by the idea of sticking cartoon penises everywhere. It was just so ‘naughty’! And such a ridiculous thing to have to do in the first place.

“Someone redrew the sticker that was put up on Stonewall and created a downloadable file of it. I downloaded that and uploaded it to a sticker company, but I got confused between centimetres and inches when I ordered it, so when they came they were much smaller than I thought they’d be. I distinctly remember thinking, ‘Who is even going to notice these? They’re so tiny!’

I tweeted the picture from Liverpool Resisters’ Twitter account and it just blew up,” she remembers. “We were reported for hate speech and I hadn’t even opened the packet of stickers yet.”

“The police said they’d investigate and then the mayor chimed in and said he would assist the police and I had literally not done anything at that point!

On Saturday I took my kids to the beach and I had a sticker on me, so I paddled out to one of the statues that was quite far out- the tide was coming up- and I snapped the picture. Ten minutes later it was covered by the sea.

Literally nobody ever saw the sticker, yet the picture went completely viral.”

Liverpool Echo picked up the story and reported that there were dozens of stickers up and down the beach and that story just got replicated in the media.

“We (Liverpool Resisters) were dealing with a lot of vitriol and it wasn’t anything we were really prepared for,”  continued Betsy.

“Pink News even tracked me down and messaged me on my private facebook. We were unprepared for the amount of attention we got. It was kind of like a perfect storm in that we were doing it in that dead zone of reporting, end of August; there’s not much news at that time of year. The experience was very intense and we were being approached by big news outlets.”

Sky News contacted the Resisters for a statement.

The sculptures,” ran the article, “have been pasted with phallus-shaped stickers bearing the message ‘women don’t have penises’,  by members of Liverpool ReSisters.

“In a statement,” continued Sky, “the group said the stunt on Crosby Beach was “aimed at raising awareness of the potential threat to sex-based rights and women’s rights” posed by proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.”

“It was a watershed moment,” observed Betsy,  as we talked on the phone.

“It was a watershed moment in that you weren’t allowed to talk about this and then suddenly – boom! – everyone’s talking about it.

“It was two years ago now. Looking back on it it was a heady time, it felt wild and exciting: the feeling of being a small cog in a massive machine and all these women pushing in all different ways and not letting up the pressure, contacting their MPs, getting in the press, making noise, making noise… it’s so powerful.  There is room for all these different tactics and all these different women have played a part.”

The case led Brendon O’Neil to observe in ‘Spiked‘:

“Is it now a crime to tell the truth in Britain? It’s heading that way. At the weekend it was revealed that Merseyside Police are making ‘enquiries’ into a trans-sceptical group that distributed stickers saying ‘Women don’t have penises’. Yes, that’s right: the police, the actual police, are investigating a group for expressing what the vast majority of people consider to be a biological, social, actual fact: that if you have a penis you are not a female.”

“Only someone who wants to to destroy free thought could say that a sticker that states that a woman is an adult human female is an instrument of a hate crime.” commented one twitter user.


“How can a sticker advocating for women’s sex-based rights be antitrans? I am genuinely curious. asked another.

Some disagreed.

If you support that antitrans sticker ‘campaign’ or other action designed to intimidate people who are just living their damn lives then you are a monster who has lost all sense of perspective and decency.

An important issue raised here is how do we define the phrase ‘anti-trans’? We need discussion around what the phrase actually means. What exactly makes something ‘anti-trans’?

If stating a biological fact is anti-trans, then is biology itself anti-trans?

If defining yourself as same-SEX attracted is anti-trans, then is homosexuality essentially anti-trans?

If standing up for women’s sex-based rights is anti trans, then is feminism inherently anti-trans?

These are big, questions, and I fear they have worryingly obvious answers.


I am #stickerwoman and so’s my wife

The penis stickers took off in a big way and were spotted far and wide. I asked people to send me their photos, and they came in from all over the world! Some of these were sent to me, some were collected on social media.

Penis stickers appeared  all over London and the rest of the UK. Stickerwoman’s work was spotted in Copenhagen, New York, Liverpool, Edinburgh and parts of Canada.

One of my favourite versions was slipped to me in the pub after a feminist meeting.

“Have you got a Yoda penis sticker yet? No? Here, have one of mine.”

So cute and adorable, how could I possibly stick him anywhere? I took him home and put him in a box in my feminist filing cabinet, where he has remained until I rummaged around in to find him just now. Here he is!

(Yes, obviously I have a feminist filing cabinet! How on earth do you think I keep track of all this stuff?)


Well, what do you know?

A popular sticker that came out in the second half of 2018 was the ‘Women did you know?’ (WDYK) sticker.

The blue, and probably earliest, version (right) cencouraged the reader to visit the Equalities Office webpage and fill in the government’s consultation on the GRA (Gender Recognition Act). It also gave links to organisations and individuals on Twitter who could help women find out more about the proposed changes to the GRA. The red version was sighted after the consultation closed.

In contrast to the ‘women don’t have penises’ sticker, the WDYK stickers were positively verbose. As such, they were more frequently placed at bus stops, outside cafes and in public toilets on trains and pubs, where the reader might find themselves with a little spare time on their hands.

“Did you know that there are men, who have assaulted and raped women, housed in UK women’s prisons because they claim to be women?” inquires the sticker.

“Did you know that groups are going into schools and telling kids they can ‘choose’ whether to be a boy or a girl, and that these groups receive Children in Need and National Lottery funding?


Transactivist Sam Feeney posted on Twitter and facebook that neon orange ‘transphobic’ leaflets bearing the same text had been stuck on lampposts in the Cambridgeshire area.  Sam, who identifies as a man, posted a video on Twitter.

“I’ll be passing on information to our local hate crime co-ordinator. I’ve actually got the leaflet here & I thought what am I gonna do with it… ideal size really for clearing up me garden. There we go. Handy. So you know what to do with any transphobic leaflets that you find. Make a little shit sandwich.”

I spoke to a woman who had been involved in stickering in her area. She shared the sticker template (above) with me. How did she feel about the fact that some people were upset by them?

This sticker in a pub (right) has been half torn off, graffitied and a new feminist message scrawled over it in biro.

“We should ask why they were upset by the stickers. Look at the accusations they’re making. ‘Transphobic’ is not the right word to use in a situation like this. Nobody is being mocked, abused or hurt. The leaflet doesn’t even mention trans people. What do the stickers say that is so upsetting? They contain facts. We can look at the points they make one at a time if that helps?

“Did you know that there are men, who have assaulted and raped women, housed in UK women’s prisons because they claim to be women?”

Well, straight off, Karen White is a rapist who was put in a women’s prison and then sexually assaulted women while he was there! Women in prison are at risk, some are really vulnerable, you know, a lot of them have been abused or been in relationships with violent men, they need protection.  It happened in America too.  They can’t pretend it never happens.

Nobody is saying all trans people or all men are sexually violent, I’ve never heard anyone claim that, it’s crazy to say that’s what we mean. It’s not about hating men. They should be kept safe in men’s prisons. They just shouldn’t be in WOMEN’s safe spaces, how difficult is that?”

Did you know that groups are going into schools and telling kids they can ‘choose’ whether to be a boy or a girl, and that these groups receive Children in Need and National Lottery funding?

“Again, that’s true.  I bet you’ve seen that Mermaids training program resource with the Barbie and the GI Joe, right, where the kid has to choose where their ‘gender identity’ is on the ‘gender spectrum’? 

GIRES give schools these lesson plans with cute little trans penguins who tell the kids their parents can’t always tell if they’re a boy or a girl! The kid has to decide when they’re ready.

As for funding, it’s no secret that Mermaids got half a million quid from the Lottery just eighteen months ago! Allsorts run workshops for kids in schools and they get money from Comic Relief.  Again, there’s nothing on there (the sticker) that isn’t true.”

Did you know that proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act will mean that a man is allowed into women’s spaces (changing rooms, sports teams, swimming sessions) just by declaring himself to be a woman?

“It looks as if the government has shelved those plans, at least for now. They couldn’t fail to notice all those women’s campaigns, you know, the Fair Play leafleting campaigns and Posie’s billboard stuff and all the other stuff going on as well. So many! There was so much going on! I really do think the sticker campaigns have played a big part in the turn around, fingers crossed anyway.  But if self-ID had happened it would have done exactly what it said on the tin. ANY man could just go into a ladies’ loo or changing room and  just say ‘I’m a woman’ and there would be nothing you could do to stop him.

“So we should be asking why are they calling the stickers transphobic? You say that Sam talked about handing it (the sticker) over to the hate crime squad. The hate crime squad! Why? Where’s the hate? And that guy in the paper talked about ‘outdated transphobic views’.

Is it a hate crime to say that women should have access to single sex spaces? Is it an outdated transphobic view to believe that women need safe spaces? Because if that’s what they’re saying they can fuck off.”


#stickerwoman on the loo (& in the changing rooms)

Single sex facilities are supported under the 2010 Equality Act and as such changing rooms and toilets have every right to be designated as single sex areas. In the last few years, a number of different stickers have been produced, by organisations and individuals, drawing women’s attention to the fact that they have a right to expect access to single sex facilities.

Some of these (most notably top and bottom right) create an impression of being ‘officiald – and well they might be for they are merely stating details of the Equality Act.  This means that they are rarely removed.

“Women Only,” the purple sticker reads. “This is a single sex service under the Equality Act 2010. Please respect women and girls’ privacy. Ask the Equality & Human Rights Commission for guidance on legal protections for single sex services.”

“Don’t flush our rights down the toilet,” declares the red sticker. “Protect single sex spaces. Equality Act 2010. Section 27. Single sex provisions. Know your rights.”

You can purchase these stickers from Standing for Women.

In 2019, Marks and Spencer issued this statement. It was not received as well as they might have expected: when A Woman’s Place published a template for a letter of complaint it was downloaded over 6,000 times, and the Fair Play for Women policy advice on changing rooms was checked out thousands of times.

“Female-only changing rooms are lawful.” advises FPFW. “Department stores CAN choose to exclude all males from female-only changing rooms, irrespective of their gender identity.”


One day we did a dozen of the Ladies’ loos at Victoria Station,” (with the sticker on the left) one campaigner, who I’ll call Katrina, told me. 

“That’s a lot of women reading stickers while they have a wee! And some of them will remember and talk about it to friends or people at work, or take a photo and go home and look it up and realise that, yeah, it’s real, is all really happening.

  If the changes to the GRA had happened- which they still might, although fingers crossed they won’t- and self-ID had come in, then yeah, any bloke could just wander into the women’s loos, or changing rooms. I mean, you know, just any pervy bloke who fancied it.

So I never felt guilty about putting the stickers there,” said Katrina. “I felt proud that we did it.”


Adult human #stickerwoman

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull of Standing for Women, better known as Posie Parker, has been at the forefront of providing stickers to the ‘stickerati’ in the UK and abroad. The ‘adult human female’ (AHF) graphic has been featured on billboards, flags, T shirts, notebooks, pens, and of course stickers throughout the UK and the rest of the world.

The absurdity of the double-think at the centre of trans-ideology is highlighted by the fact that this definition is frequently at the centre of controversy about what constitutes ‘hate speech’.


I caught up with Kellie-Jay and asked her about the AHF stickers.

“I thought well, some people might not want to wear a T shirt but they probably would use a sticker. I was thinking more about putting them on toilet doors, you know, just a little act of defiance against any place where they were trying to erase the meaning of the word woman and replace it with ‘anybody who says they are’.

The beauty of the stickers is that people feel like they’re participating. If they can’t speak out at work, or if they don’t feel that their friends are interested, or they think their friends are going to vilify them for accepting that biological sex is a material reality then it gives them a space in which they can express themselves and not lose their minds.

I think the gaslighting of telling women that we are not allowed to say women are adult human females has the potential to do huge psychological harm to all of us, especially en masse.

So the stickers are about being able to express yourself, if not in all areas of your life, at least in this particular act of defiance.”

AHF stickers have been spotted all over the world. Locations outside the UK include Amsterdam, Geneva, Hollywood, a Missouri gas station and a lesbian bar in New York. They can be purchased from Standing for Women.


#stickerwoman goes to Oxford

“You should write about what happened in Oxford last year,” advised a Twitter mutual. “I know the woman who put those up. I could ask her to contact you if you like?”

In 2019, there was another burst of media attention for #stickerwoman, after stickers were spotted in Oxford.

Over a period of months, #stickerwoman’s works had been sighted in several areas of the city centre.

“Thames Valley Police is investigating and appealing for witnesses following the offences.” warned the Oxford Mail in October 2019.


“We take incidents of this nature very seriously,” PC Rebecca Nightingale told the Mail.

The Telegraph called the police response ‘extraordinary’ and Michael Biggs, Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Oxford, agreed, observing, “to say that a dictionary definition is a terrible hate crime is extraordinary.”

There seemed to be some sort of ambiguity about what exactly the police were investigating. The article celebrated the response of ‘dedicated activists’ who had decided to ‘fight back’ by putting up their own stickers bearing slogans such as ‘trans joy is real’ and ‘trans women are real women’. Were they to be investigated too?

‘I think there should be mandatory education around trans issues rather than fining (sic) people.” Zayna Ratty, chair of Oxford Pride, told the Mail.

Wait… what… you want women who put up stickers with the dictionary definition of ‘woman’ on them to be forcibly re-educated???

The woman who put up the stickers did get in touch with me.


She told me, “I did it because of the silence and because I felt helpless. “


#Stickerwoman don’t want a job in Starbucks

“Mermaids is delighted to announce that we have partnered with speciality coffee retailer Starbucks for their new #WhatsYourName campaign,” announced Mermaids back in February 2020.

For a limited edition Mermaids cookies were sold in selected stores across the UK and 50p from each cookie sold went towards funding Mermaids helpline services. Starbucks committed to paying a minimum of £100,000 to Mermaids for the partnership. The #WhatsYourName campaign involved heartwarming videos of trans people visiting Starbucks and finding warmth and affirmation in having their chosen names called out and written on their coffee cups.

“So sweet. So innocent. Or sickening. Depending what you know.” wrote Douglas Murray in the Telegraph back in February. Murray views Mermaids as “…one of the most sinister charitable organisations in the UK… everything that Mermaids pushes is deeply controversial and with implications which need to be properly interrogated”.

Concerns have been expressed for many years about the objectivity of Mermaids, whose own CEO took her trans-identified child abroad to undergo a penectomy on his 16th birthday. Mermaids’ use of sweets and cute dogs to promote its services to young people on social media have made many feel uncomfortable, as have its attitudes to safeguarding. Mermaids advocate for children to be allowed to ‘change gender’ at school without parental consent and for fewer restrictions surrounding trans-identifed children’s access to puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery. Some suggest that Mermaids are complicit in the ‘trans away the gay’ school of thought.

“The fact that multinationals like Starbucks can so easily jump on board with the agenda that Mermaids is pushing is just the latest demonstration of how fast this new orthodoxy is being accepted.” observes Murray.

Enter #stickerwoman!

I tracked down Joyce and Lucy (not their real names) who were behind the Starbucks campaign stickers and asked them how they came up with the idea.

“Initially I researched cups,” Joyce told me. “I was going to make something that was like a Starbucks cup, or buy some cups and put stickers on them because getting cups printed up is really expensive. I was at one point considering making little cups with stickers on and standing outside Starbucks, giving them out, telling people Starbucks were giving away free samples today. You give someone a cup and it says ‘transitioning children is child abuse’ or whatever and they take it into the store …  but I decided not to do that in the end. I just really wanted it to create a massive inconvenience for Starbucks and hopefully create a news story in itself.

Then I was thinking about stickers and talking to Amber about it and she said, ‘Oh, Lucy’s also been talking about doing something with this, designing stickers,” and she put us in touch. So we talked about how to approach it. Lucy pointed out how litigious Starbucks are and how we needed to be really careful.”

The final design

We had to be careful with the design,” said Lucy, “because obviously it couldn’t have anything directly to do with Starbucks. Joyce came up with a design at first and it was great, really blunt and to the point but I was like, ‘oh my god, we can’t say that! We can’t use that logo!’



So we compromised a bit with the design in the end. Joyce knew a good place to get them (the stickers) printed up and then we got them out to people who wanted them and they passed them on- and in the end they ended up everywhere!

The press didn’t pick up on it at all though which was a shame, and then it all came to a stop with lockdown. There are some great photos about though. And I do think the campaign did a lot to raise awareness about some of the concerns with that alliance.”

#stickerwoman: London, Birmingham, Brighton



“Of course, we didn’t tell people what they should do with the stickers,” concluded Joyce, “but strangely enough, they just seemed to work it out for themselves.”


#stickerwoman in prison

“When I started my campaign ‘Keep Prisons Single Sex’ (KPSS) one of the first things I though of was how to capture the essence of what I am trying to do in a sticker.  I hope I have succeeded!”

Kate emailed me last week to let me know that KPSS would be  starting a twitter account shortly: @NoXYinXXprisons

“Stickering is an important part of the campaign.  It’s something that women can easily do to get the message out.  It’s a way to be involved which doesn’t have to take up much time, and that can be anonymous. 

Of course, when stickers are photographed and these images are tweeted or circulated on social media, the impact is magnified.  Women have always been very creative in where they sticker to make the message even clearer.

JK Stickerwoman

not from the books, or by JKR

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you can hardly have failed to be aware of JK Rowling’s recent tweets and the barrage of threats and abuse she has received since coming out in support of women’s sex-based rights.

Rather than repeat the entire saga, I refer you to Rowling’s website where she explains her position.

The social media version of the story is perfectly summed up in Rebecca Reilly-Cooper’s excellent JK Rowling & the Transactivists: a story in screenshots’.

A selection of articles from the Independent are here.   A quick Google will throw up numerous pieces by traumatised millennials: don’t miss this classic from Marie Claire suggesting in all seriousness that “we should consider shutting down ‘Cursed Child’ and Harry Potter theme parks”.

Needless to say, #stickerwoman was quick to show her support and approval when Standing for Women released these stickers.

#Stickerwoman must also have contacted @erinnyes on Twitter, who sent her some of her own stickers (payment via paypal) for £2.50 for ten, plus a pound postage.



We are all #stickerwoman – stories from the front line

#stickerwoman says

#Stickerwoman Does Pride!

As a lesbian, I’d once have been thrilled that my office was on London’s Pride route. But now the rainbow flag just means homophobia – and it was EVERYWHERE. Watching me get increasingly stressed, my friend had an idea.

The night before the march, we covered the route in stickers and leaflets. People paid minimal attention to us – just a couple of middle-aged women – and if they did, a wave of a rainbow sticker with a cheery “Pride!” was normally all it took.

We finished by slipping a load of leaflets into the big tent in Trafalgar Square, waiting until the guard was out of sight for long enough not to notice.

By the time we’d finished, tired but very pleased with ourselves, it was impossible to miss that Stickerwoman had done Pride.

We watched Twitter the next day with interest. My favourite comment was from someone who moaned, “there were TERF stickers everywhere. And when I pulled one down it started raining!”

#stickerwoman says

Why do I sticker? Because the weight of well financed institutions such as Mermaids and the way they are able to affect police, government and school policy needs to be counterbalanced with a few cold, hard facts here and there. ( I can’t afford an advertising campaign. So…)

#stickerwoman says

July 2020

#stickerwoman in China

In 2015 in China, five women’s rights activists were arrested, accused of planning a ‘multi-city protest’ on International Women’s Day. The activists had intended to draw attention to the issue of sexual harassment on public transport by distributing stickers on buses with slogans such as “Police: go arrest those who committed sexual harassment”.

A friend of the protestors observed “…it’s not at all in violation of the law, nor is it disturbing public order, let alone the fact that those plans did not happen.”

A lawyer for the women was quoted as saying, “I think what they have done or were planning to do deserves to be praised rather than punished.”

Li Maizi was arrested

Artist Li Maizi, a lesbian feminist with a history of activism, was one of these women. In 2012, she and two other women walked down a shopping street in Beijing wearing ‘blood-spattered’ wedding dresses to raise awareness of domestic violence. She was also involved in the ‘Occupy Mens Room’ protest against inadequate public toilet provision for women.

For her part in the sticker action that never happened,  Li Maizi was questioned non-stop for 24 hours and detained for 37 days.

“Feminism is my soul.” she said on her release.


Whither #stickerwoman?

You can read the ReSisters article about their sticker campaign for World Toilet Day, ‘Flushing Female Loo Provision Down The Bog‘, here.

If you’d like to make your own stickers, to decorate your car or notebooks for example, there is a dropbox here and another here where you can download printable stickers.

You can buy a variety of high quality stickers from Standing for Women.

You can buy sticker paper that will run comfortably through your own printer, on Amazon, here. These labels are A6, four to a sheet. Other sizes are available.

   The women who made these designs (right) are happy for them to be shared. If you’d like to print them out to put on bookmarks, birthday cards or anywhere else, you can screenshot the larger versions in this article with their blessing.

Or just use some felt tips and your imagination.


And finally… some random sticker pictures which didn’t get fitted in anywhere else…



#Stickerwoman Updates 2020

If you keep sending me pictures of stickers that you see out and about, I’ll add some of them here:

Richmond, July 2020

Below: December 2020, before & after photos taken in Wisconsin, USA, as reported by Women’s Liberation Radio News on Facebook.

#Stickerwoman Updates 2021

I’m sharing just a couple of new stickers from this year so far: this one from Scotland, where the police seemed especially concerned about this sticker– so much so that they tweeted about it. Their tweet was later removed.

In south London, there has been some to-and-fro stickering between stickerwoman and some locals who believe feminism should include men.

This response (left) includes Kellie-Jay’s latest inspiration: a bar code that can be scanned and takes you to the Standing for Women website. More of these have been spotted in central London.

This is a sticker I haven’t seen before (right). It was sent to me by a stickerwoman so was obviously created ironically but may make passers by think about the IRL implications of self-ID.

It reads “people with penises should be able to work in women’s refuges. Are you transphobic? People with penises belong in women & girls’ toilets & changing rooms”



In recent elections for the London Assembly, Stickerwoman made no secret of her feelings, adding a sticker reading ‘keep prisons single sex’ and writing ‘women deserve single sex spaces’ on her paper.



In April, #stickerwoman was busy in public toilets in Madrid, warning women & girls that sexual assaults are 9 times more likely to happen in mixed-sex spaces.



The lockdowns associated with COVID over the last year have meant that Stickerwomen all over the country have been out less than usual, but these gems from around London and Brighton show that some Stickerwomen are ever alert.

Interesting to see an anti-mask sticker also using the Starbucks logo.

One of my recent favourites, taken on a Kent train. Not a new sticker, but I’ve included it because it’s clever how stickerwoman has covered up the last letters of ‘trains’ to leave TRA (trans rights activist) showing next to the words ‘everything is transphobic’.

Stickerwoman has recently been spotted in Ireland, leaving stickers in the city of Dublin and in the seaport of Waterford, Ireland’s oldest city (below).

Keep sending me your stickers pictures, ideally with location, & I’ll add some of them here. Power to all those stickerwomen out there!




Posted in Activism | 4 Comments

Costing the Kool-Aid – bias & funding in a ‘gender diversity’ research project

Society’s current obsession with gender identity politics is unprecedented and if there’s one thing we can probably all agree on, it’s that there needs to be more research done into why more and more young people are increasingly identifying as transgender and the best way to help them.


So when we see studies springing up that purport to delve into these issues, it seems rational to be reassured. But how objective are these studies? How are they sourcing their participants? Who are the researchers and what is their background? And where is all this money coming from?

Currently, an interesting project is taking place at the UK’s ‘top ranked and largest centre for academic primary care’, the Nuffield Department of Care Primary Health Sciences at Oxford University. The NDCPHS’s aim is to use ‘research and training to rethink the way health care is delivered in general practice and across the community.’

The 30 month project, named ‘Identifying the health and care needs of young trans and gender diverse people aims to improve our understanding of ‘young gender diverse peoples’ experience’ as well as look at the perspectives of their families and the health professionals that work with them, with a view to improving ‘the care and support of trans, gender diverse and gender questioning people, and their families’.


What is ‘gender diverse’?

Firstly, it might be a good idea to clarify the aims of the project. Perhaps a sensible place to start would be with a definition for the phrase ‘gender diverse’. We’ve all heard it, but nobody seems to be able to give a satisfactory definition of what it means. Even Stonewall, with its lengthy list of gendered terms and labels, doesn’t attempt to define it. 

Traditionally ‘gender diverse’ meant having an equal or balanced mix of the sexes in the workplace.

‘Gender diversity is equitable or fair representation of people of different genders’ Wikipedia

Nowadays it more often refers to someone who doesn’t conform to society’s mainstream gendered expectations: so in theory a gender diverse child could be little more than a long-haired boy or a make-up free girl. It would certainly help to be more specific. After all:

What is this project about?

The project, when complete, plans to consist of 90 interviews with young people, their families and their healthcare professionals. It will also produce two sections for, a website run in partnership with research groups at the University of Oxford.  At you can evidently ‘find out about what it’s like to live with a health condition, by watching other people share their stories’.

Full public details of the project are available here.

Before we examine the aims and funding of the project, lets have a quick look at some of the people involved.

Melissa Stepney

Melissa Stepney

The project is led by Dr Melissa Stepney of the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences and funded by the National Institute of Health Research.

Stepney sports both a rainbow and a mermaid in her twitter profile and tags both Mermaids and Gendered Intelligence in her tweets enlisting young people and their parents for this ‘exciting project with trans and gender diverse young people’.

Stepney appears to have no previous experience of research in this area: her ‘pubmed’ entry prior to June 2018 (when she received the award for this project) shows just two prior studies: one about how neurological illness affects driving and one about young women getting drunk. She had not held any research grants before winning this one. Spoiler – we’ll be coming to this later – this grant is for well over half a million pounds.

The project may be vague about defining ‘gender diversity’, but it seems that Melissa has problems defining ‘gender’ – or even comprehending the difference between sex and gender.

Melissa tweeted this ‘fab’ picture in 2018: “If your child’s gender doesn’t matter before birth why does it matter after?”

More recently she tweeted support for a petition to ‘stop rollbacks to safeguards for trans dignity and safety in this country’.

The petition was in response to Minister for Women and Equalities Liz Truss’s acknowledgement that “under-18s (should be) protected from decisions that they could make, that are irreversible in the future… it’s very important that while people are still developing their decision-making capabilities that we protect them from making those irreversible decisions.”

It seems fair enough to take from this that Stepney supports the medicalisation of trans-identified youth. It should be noted that nothing Truss said suggested anyone’s rights should be ‘rollbacked‘ or anyone’s dignity removed. You can read Truss’s full speech here.

Concerned that Stepney’s susceptibility to hyperbole and involvement in transactivism might affect her ability to run an objective study? We’re just on the edge of the rabbit hole. Buckle up.

Sam Martin

Sam Martin

One co-investigator on the project is Dr Sam Martin (left), who as part of his PhD founded the QueerVIBE project for 13-25 year olds. (Despite being set up a year ago, the project website remains unfinished, with links that lead nowhere and potential participants being informed that QueerVIBE is ‘currently amending materials and not accepting participants right now’.)

While studying part-time for a degree in Manchester, he reports, 28 year old Sam went to a mate’s drag party dressed up in ‘feminine clothes, shoes, make-up and wig’ and ‘something inside him awoke’. A liberating epiphany that men can wear what they like and still be men, perhaps?  Evidently not: instead this was the moment of Sam’s realisation that he was ‘gender-fluid or non-binary’. Henceforth he wished to be addressed as ‘they/them and ‘Sam noticed prejudice everywhere they turned’.

At the end of a recent podcast Sam told listeners “Now I’m starting my kind of HRT journey.”

Martin has a master’s degree in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy and a PhD in Psychology. The ‘parent fact sheet’ for the study states that any queries or complaints should be addressed to him.


Magdalena Mikulak

Magdalena Mikulak

The project also involves Magdalena Mikulak, who has a PhD in Gender Studies from the London School of Economics.

I have not met Martin, but my friend Gwen and I did meet Mikulak last year, when she was a speaker at the mind-mashing ‘What if the State no Longer Sexed Us?’ talk at Somerset House in London.

It should hardly need to be pointed out that the state does not sex us, biology sexes us, yet nonetheless, there we were.

The content of the lectures was so completely baffling that I never even started the article I’d planned to write about the event-  I literally didn’t know where to begin. I gave Gwen my notes after she offered to do it, but she also abandoned the mission. You really had to be there to comprehend the depth of the woowoo.

I spoke to Mikulak afterwards and she was friendly and approachable. Yet she seemed unable, or possibly unwilling, to explain the difference between sex and gender: a disconcerting position for someone who makes a career out of lecturing on the subject.

Mikulak, recruiting for study participants on the GIRES website

It was a fabulous location though, offering free post-lecture drinks and a luxury vegan buffet.  I remember Gwen and I speculating afterwards as to how such a peculiarly nebulous free event had been able to procure sufficient funding to provide attendees with such a spectacular venue and such ambrosian sustenance.



Who else is involved?

If you’re concerned that the above mentioned people may not be ideally objective researchers for such a study, there is a grain of hope. There are some grown ups in the room.

The project is secondly/jointly led by sociologist and anthropologist Dr Sara Ryan who ‘has extensive experience of working with seldom heard groups’. Ryan has neither rainbows nor pronouns in her Twitter bio and will be providing ‘mentorship and support at all stages’.

So she’s going to have her hands full.

Others involved in the project, according to the website, are academic public health physician and health services researcher John Powell  and Adam Barnett CEO of the DIPex Charity which runs (both who have been involved with projects on the receiving end of millions in funding) and medical sociologist Sue Ziebland.

All appear to be rainbow and pronoun-free.

So there we have the basis of the project. The interviews will be recorded and the result used to produce two sections for a website, including short videos. Key findings from the research will also be presented at a ‘national stakeholder event’. With refreshments, no doubt.

Why am I so certain there will be refreshments?

Because of the budget! This is a no ‘custard creams and Nescafé’ project, ma’am.

How is the project funded?

The project applied for funding to the National Institute of Health Research.

The NIHR works with the NHS, universities & local government and describes itself as ‘the nation’s largest funder of health and care research’ providing ‘the people, facilities and technology that enable research to thrive.’

“The project will be secondly/jointly led with Dr Sara Ryan who has extensive experience of working with seldom heard groups.”

As we know, the main grant applicant was Melissa Stepney. Co-applicants included Dr Sarah Davidson of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, (who did declare a potential conflict of interest) and Jay Stewart of Gendered Intelligence.

How do I know this, you ask?

I was emailed the documents last week, by someone deeply concerned about the quality of this research, who wishes to remain anonymous.

“Leaked documents?” mused Gwen with concern, when I told her. “Well it all sounds very exciting but be careful. One minute you’re feeling all important sharing secret documents, the next you’re trapped inside an embassy throwing shit at the walls.”

Thanks, Gwen.

“That’ll be £655,094.79 please.”

The grant application was for £655,094. Oh, and 79p.

The original amount requested was considered to be too high, and the project was eventually awarded a mere £618,868.39.

The grant was approved despite the awarding body having concerns that Stepney ‘does not have prior experience of leading a large study’ and requesting ‘stronger theoretical justification for the study’.

“I am pleased to inform you that the HSDRPB  has recommended your application for funding…  and the Department of Health and Social Care, in their capacity as the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), has confirmed their intention to award funding…”


The Study Advisory Group – Bias? What bias?

“Several charities (including The Diversity Trust and Gendered Intelligence) are actively involved in the proposal. An online (Facebook or similar) group will engage transgender people throughout the project. The study Advisory Group will guide the research and comprise at least 50% transgender people.”

Jessica Lynn

If you’re not reeling yet, let’s look a little closer at the others who are involved in this wonderfully objective scientific project.

Pre and post-transition photos are shown in Lynn’s talk

A name that stands out on the document above is that of Jessica Lynn who has supported Stepney throughout the project.

Dr Marcie Bowers, the document tells us, was recruited to the advisory board of the project by Lynn. Bowers, also a transsexual, performed Lynn’s own surgery but is better know as the surgeon who performed a vaginoplasty, resulting in serious complications, on 18 year old reality TV star Jazz Jennings.

Lynn- not to be confused with the country & western singer songwriter of the same name – is a trans-identified American male who transitioned aged 45. Lynn is also good buddies with Sam Martin.

Jessica Christina Lynn was born in January 1965 with the birth name Jeffrey Alan Butterworth.  Jessica is not well known on the transactivist scene. Outspoken about his past life, Lynn has recently embarked upon a ‘world tour’ ‘visiting 28 different countries, presenting over a thousand times, helping to educate the general public about the transgender community’.

Logos on Lynn’s webiste

Lynn’s website features the logos of several groups he is ‘affiliated’ with, including the NHS and University of Oxford, which seems at very least a bit cheeky –  some might even suggest that Lynn is building the consulting business by using the Oxford and NHS logos on the website. 

Evidently Jessica has ‘gained adulation for her activism’ and is a Stonewall school Role Model.  Lynn’s website is indeed filled with adulation from students at Oxford, Stanford, Warwick and Yale, to name but a few. I was intrigued.

I watched a YouTube video of Lynn’s lecture at University College London (UCL) in 2018. You know when you’re at a family gathering or a party and you get cornered by a distant relative or a friend of a friend who insists on telling you every tiny detail of their life when you’d really rather be talking to someone else? That’s how watching that video left me feeling. I’m trying to be honest rather than unkind, I’m sure Lynn would find listening to me waffling on for an hour just as tedious.

Butterworth married in 1991 and fathered 3 sons. In 2010, age 45, he began his transition. In 2012 his wife filed a successful suit in Texas to remove his parental rights, claiming his transition was ‘harmful to the mental well being of their youngest son’. Lynn has clearly undergone some serious heartache and trauma in life and I have no intention of belittling that. But I felt uncomfortable by the showing of pictures of his young child and the revealing of personal information about the boy, which in itself might be considered a safeguarding concern by some.

What I did have trouble seeing was how the talk was in any way either educational or inspirational.  Lynn claims that ’75-85% of trans females know by the time they’re 5 years old’, an entirely unsubstantiated statistic which he appears to have plucked out of the air.  He also reports that it’s ‘quite common’ for young trans-identified boys to attempt to cut off their penis, as he asserts he did age seven.

Lynn discusses a sexual encounter where he claims a partner ‘fingered’ him and said, ‘I must turn you on, you’re soaking wet’. Earlier in the talk Lynn shared the fact that his GRS involved penile inversion, and this form of neo-vagina cannot self-lubricate, it seems reasonable to dismiss this as fantasy.

The talk is rife with ‘sex jokes’ which, yeah, ok, on some level why not, but it’s all a bit TMI: jokes about penis sizes (his used to be big, his lover’s was small and he came too quickly) leave me wondering what we’re supposed to be learning here. At one point he talks of  being able to remove his false teeth and jokes:

“‘June 2013, I’m the perfect girlfriend, right, can’t get pregnant, removable teeth. What a whore.”

I had to rewind that bit several times to be sure that’s actually what he said. It was.

Call me a prude, but listening to a man telling a group of students that the ideal girlfriend is some sort of purchasable fuck-toy doesn’t fill me with adulation. It fills me with fucking rage.

In an online interview, Lynn says that students are ‘very curious about sexual questions’.  Asked when he would tell a sexual partner he was transsexual, he replies:

“If I just wanna go sleep with a guy, y’know, and I’m on the road, I don’t tell them.”

In my humble opinion there seems to be quite a few issues here about Lynn’s suitability as consultant on a project concerning the welfare of young trans-identified people.

In February 2020 at University of Bath held a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) day for staff and students. Lynn spoke about ‘her lived experiences of being Transgender‘ and this was followed by a talk by Sam Martin who spoke about ‘experiences, information and support needs of trans and gender diverse youth‘.

Indeed, Jessica and Sam are such good mates they run a podcast series together.

In episode six (May 2020) they discuss the importance of ‘the positive effects of young people accessing timely, gender related healthcare interventions’ with Susie Green of Mermaids.

“I don’t think people realise how important puberty suppressants are to young transgender children,” says Jessica (who, let’s remember, transitioned age 45 after fathering 3 children). “It can be life or death.”

“There are attacks continuing against… young people, particularly regarding their access to medication and their right to consent to it.” says Green, whose child began taking cross-sex hormones age thirteen.

When Susie reveals that her child had full ‘gender reassignment surgery’ in Thailand on his 16th birthday, there is excited laughter.

“She lived my dream, unbelievable! To be able to transition at that age. What a dream!” gushes Jessica, going on to add, “I’m so thrilled. I’m so thrilled that she has a mother like you.  I wish more mothers were open and accepting… your daughter is living my dream life and now you’re doing this for the next generation of kids.”

“The work you’re doing is absolutely fantastic. It’s saving lives.” concludes Sam.

Jay Stewart

Jay Stewart

Another member of the advisory committee- and a co-applicant for the grant process- is Jay Stewart. One of Stewart’s roles as a co-applicant was to enlist participants through ‘recruitment and dissemination’.

Jay Stewart is a ‘transman’ (a female) who provides seminars in primary schools on behalf of GI, encouraging children to consider their ‘gender identity’.  GI also organises summer camps for ‘trans kids’ and has previously received arts grants from pharmaceutical company Burroughs-Wellcome.

One might well ask how a little girl who likes ‘boy stuff’ feels when an important bearded ‘man’ comes into her school and tells her and her peers that he ‘used to be’ a woman and it’s possible to change sex?

The Gendered Intelligence ‘Trans Youth Sexual Health’ booklet, by and for young people aged 16-25, partially sponsored by the National Lottery, tells young people:

“A woman is still a woman even if she likes getting blow jobs. A man is still a man even if he likes getting penetrated vaginally.”

It adds, “Surgery will affect sex in many ways but the most noticeable effect is a boost in body confidence. You may enjoy sex more as you begin to feel better about expressing yourself.”

In addition to Gendered Intelligence, groups and individuals that appear to have been involved, or have been asked to be involved in recruiting participants are Mermaids (CEO Susie Green) and Dr Helen Webberley.

All of these organisations and individuals promote the affirmation model (ie if a girl says she’s really a boy, you should agree, yes, she is a boy) and all support the provision of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for trans-identifed young people. It seems pretty much impossible that bias could be ruled out using such recruitment methods.

blocked by Mermaids

A parent who does not believe in the ‘born in the wrong body’ narrative is more likely to be blocked by on social media by Mermaids than being encouraged to join a research project.


Mermaids is often referred to as an LGBTQ+ charity but its sphere is not LGB youth. The homepage of its website states that its aim is ‘helping gender-diverse kids, young people and their families’. (There’s that phrase again ‘gender diverse’).

As noted earlier, Green took her own gender diverse child to Thailand for full ‘gender reassignment surgery’ on his 16th birthday.

As these tweets (above) from Mermaids and Green show, they believe that children changing their minds about their gender identity ‘doesn’t happen‘, that blockers are ‘completely reversible’ and that surgeries should be performed on under-age children.

These are peculiar and easily refutable claims. My own child desisted, as do many others. Most feel a bit embarassed by the whole thing and don’t wish to talk about it. Recent media reports have highlighted the experiences of  both Keira and Jacob, who have been brave enough to speak up and who believe they were given access to drugs too young and without due care.

“(Taking blockers) was the worst decision I’ve ever made… it was sold to me as a miracle cure for being trans.” Jacob (16)

“”I should have been challenged on the proposals or the claims that I was making for myself… I was allowed to run with this idea that I had, almost like a fantasy, as a teenager…. and it has affected me in the long run as an adult.”  Keira (23)

Helen Webberley

Helen Webberley is infamous for providing cross-sex hormones to a twelve year old child. She has a criminal conviction after being fined £12,000 in December 2018 for illegally providing healthcare services from her home. After her UK practice was shut down, she and her husband moved to Malaga, Spain where they continue their business.

Sam Martin thanks Helen for her support for the project on twitter (see above).

What are the implications of this?

Are we really supposed to believe that this group of people are going to produce an impartial and objective study on the needs of trans-identified youth when it’s quite clear that they already have committed and passionate beliefs about what they believe is needed?

If everyone involved in recruiting young people for the project believes there should be less gatekeeping and easier access to hormones and surgery for young people, then that is going to be exactly what the researchers find is needed.


I spoke to a parent who had participated in, but felt critical of, the study. Catherine (a pseudonym) told me:

“They’re collecting participants from specific pools. I felt I wasn’t ‘on script’; I wasn’t saying what they’d heard from other parents…  I don’t think what they’re doing is good science, that’s the problem here. They’re conducting a research piece with a view to furthering a trans agenda. It’s not science, it’s a political exercise and the purpose is not to find out information, it’s to reinforce an existing belief. That’s the fundamental issue with that study. It’s a bubble. They operate in a bubble. Getting outside of their bubble-  well, I don’t know, they just bounce off the sides. It’s an echo chamber…  Here’s my concern with the whole exercise: someone somewhere  came up with the idea that we need research to back up the demand for faster, quicker- less gatekeeping- and shorter waiting times. It’s as if someone designed research purely around the idea that you need to do things quicker. It’s as if they want to do the wrong thing, faster. That’s my take on it…   I do think some of the people who set up the study know what they’re doing, they know it’s institutional capture and that’s their objective. They’ve politically captured institutions,  for example the Tavistock, and what they need is research to back them up now. I don’t think everyone involved is scheming, not at all: I think most of them just can’t see out of the bubble.”

The grant awarding body allegedly had other concerns, however. A long list of them. So many in fact that’s it’s virtually impossible to see how, in a climate where so many much-needed, well planned and structured projects are refused funding, this one managed to secure itself over six hundred grand.

Concerns? What concerns?

In fact, the list of concerns expressed by the awarding body- according to the documents I saw- was so extensive that it covered an entire two pages of the outcome letter and  included the following:

“The proposal was lacking in methodological detail throughout…

a detailed plan of analysis is required…

the reach of Healthtalk to the audiences for this research is not clear…

the team should consider how they would address any bias introduced by the recruitment methods used (social media etc)…

further detail is required regarding ethical considerations…

the team are asked to consider and describe how they will address gaining consent from the youngest participants…

the plain English summary should be improved by removing any jargon…

PPI costs should be reviewed throughout the application and any inconsistencies resolved…

costs and contributions for co-applicants and staff should be reviewed...

please clarify what third party rights exist in relation to background IP (intellectual property)…


The list above is far from extensive. Now- sadly- I’m no expert in applying for over six hundred grand’s worth of funding but it does seem to me that perhaps at least some of these issues should have been properly resolved before the grant was promised?

What exactly is going on here?

The NIHR (grant awarding body) is primarily funded by the Department of Health and Social Care.  The DHSC is, of course, funded by the taxpayer.

So, yeah, you’re paying for this charade.


Posted in Investigative | 11 Comments